leaves in rusty orange, yellow, bronze, red and olive green.
Farmers with big, slow loads leading parades on country roads.
Bright, azure skies, gray storms, honey-colored days and frost on the pumpkins.
The smell of cool, damp earth, apple cider, chrysanthemums, corn dogs and elephant ears.
Corn dogs and elephant ears?
Don't they belong to summer?
In Fairfield County they belong to Autumn because our fair is the last one in the state of Ohio.
There are few sights more beautiful than the one from atop the Ferris Wheel on a bright autumn day, overlooking the city of Lancaster and it's church steeples, old homes, and brightly colored, tree-lined streets. A view accompanied by the sound of people laughing and merry-go-round music, marching bands, cows and horses and "step right up ladies...".
It's a treat for all the senses: there's nothing like the taste and smell of greasy fair french fries, sticky cotton candy, pungent horseradish piled on a sausage sandwich and stubborn taffy powdered with corn starch.
At the end of the day, the crowds trudge home, with sore feet, full bellies and tired eyes, but glad for the experience and eager for next year's great fair.
And this is why I love you. See my melancholy personality experiences the fair as a freezing cold, loud, crowded,stinky, dirty experience that leaves me 100 dollars poorer and left with 4 tired but wired greedy little monster children each clutching their cheap plastic fair junk which they will dump on their floor and never play with again.
Maybe we don't go to the same fair??? :)
Same fair, different eyes.
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