Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Jesus Party . . . more

I have received some great responses to the Happy Birthday Jesus Party invite. Here are some of them:
Greatfullivin said...
I am always up for a good bible study. My gift to Jesus is kind of the same gift every year I don't think He ever tires of it...Sharing with others how much He loves us, and the gift of salvation he brought to us.
Once Upon a Cottage said...
I'll join you in recomitting to the study of God's Word. I want to do a "Bible in a Year" study starting Jan. 1st.Love the nativities around the world. Thank you for participating in Happy Birthday Jesus Blog Party!
Join the party! Tell me what you are giving Jesus for his birthday. Also, if you have a photo (jpg) of a special nativity or CHRISTmas celebration, please send them along!

1 comment:

Joyce said...

I plan to give Jesus the total me. I do not have a camera so I will talk about my English background with poems and other interesting items.